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Kare Teams Up With Local School for Circuit Training Sessions

Last month, Kare's Tully Road and Academy St services teamed up with Transition Year students from Kildare Town Community School for a circuit training session, supported by Kare's Social Inclusion Officer.

Held during Kare's My Emotions (ME) Month 2024, the idea to join with local students for the sessions came from last year's ME Month in February 2023. As part of Tully Road's Self Care Action Calendar, they chose to 'Plan something fun and invite others to join you', which they did by teaming up with the TY students in Kildare Town Community School for a series of interactive sessions.   

This was the group's third visit to the school, the first being part of Social Inclusion Week and the second during Kildare Disability Week, both in 2023. 

The theme for the day was 'Social Connectedness', and this was demonstrated by meeting lots of new people and forming positive new relationships.  

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